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Dr Nicholas Grigsby

Deputy Principal, Head of Senior Schools

Nicholas Grigsby joined Haileybury at the start of Term 2 2023, having previously served as Senior Deputy Headmaster of Stonyhurst College in the UK. His journey in education spans 27 years, mostly working throughout this time across co-educational boarding school settings throughout the world. Nicholas brings his family to Haileybury via stints at prestigious schools in New Zealand, PR China, Poland, and the UK. He is particularly interested in sector-leading initiatives which promote highly effective pastoral care and student and staff wellbeing, inclusivity, and equality of access for all young learners and the best examples of disruptive innovation in action.

Nicholas is passionate about keeping things simple and empowering young learners to exceed their own expectations of themselves. He is determined that students throughout the world and regardless of age are change-makers for the better through acquiring knowledge, adhering to kindly traditions, and having a sense of service to others to enact positive and lasting change for better across society.

Nicholas is thrilled that he and his family join Haileybury at such an inspiring and vibrant time in its developmental journey and for his part in encouraging and supporting an intelligent, dynamic, articulate, and innovative team of staff who strive for students to succeed in life, where every child matters every day.