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CEO | Principal's Report

It has been wonderful to celebrate the achievements of Haileybury students at the speech nights over the past week. I was pleased to congratulate the students across all campuses and the Senior Schools on making the most of the world-class education opportunities available to them at Haileybury.

Confirmation of this came on Tuesday night with the release of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 test results. The PISA test is conducted in 81 countries by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development every three years — although it was delayed for one year because of COVID-19. The test is for 15-year-olds and is conducted in Maths, Reading and Science.

It was pleasing to see that this set of results showed a stabilisation in Australian student performance after a significant decline between 2006 and 2018 when the previous test was done. The Australian student average places student performance in ninth or tenth in all three categories. Performance was, however, still a long way behind the very top jurisdictions. Singapore was the top-performing country in all categories.

This year, as a part of our global benchmarking, Haileybury conducted the PISA in schools test which gives data directly comparable with the PISA global results.

It is done as a sample rather than a census test and the results were outstanding, showing that Haileybury students are producing world-class results.

Haileybury 15-year-old students’ PISA reading average score was 546 — ahead of the Singapore average of 543. The Australian average was 498.

In Maths, the Haileybury student average score of 549 was well ahead of the Australian average of 487 and behind only Singapore (575) and Macao (China) with 552. Similarly, in Science, Haileybury students’ average score of 545 was well ahead of the Australian average of 507, and just behind Singapore (561) and Japan (547).

These results reflect the world-class standard of Haileybury teachers, the great effort and commitment of the students, and the support from families. My congratulations to everyone involved.

Derek Scott
CEO | Principal