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Campus News

Lessons in leadership

City campus welcomed Deputy Principal, Jane Gibbs, to our Middle School Leadership Induction Assembly. Mrs Gibbs shared her top five attributes of great leaders and the students enjoyed learning about these leadership qualities.

Our parents and special guests also enjoyed hearing Mrs Gibbs share her personal journey from being a child ‘playing schools’ at home to now Acting Deputy Principal. Scott Doran, Vice Principal Community Engagement & Advancement, also attended and enjoyed the high-rise assembly at City campus.

Our Year 4 leaders were inducted on the same day and each leader spoke about what they hoped to contribute to their role. They pledged to uphold the values of Haileybury and to be leaders who take pride in representing our great School. It was lovely to be joined by many parents and special friends, too.

School tours draw the crowds

More than 500 people recently visited City campus for our Saturday morning School tours. We are delighted that so many people want to look around our vertical campus and potentially join our Haileybury City community.

Our brilliant teachers and keen students were only too happy to share student workbooks that showcase our academic excellence and to show visitors our School. It is a privilege to attend Haileybury and these students clearly articulated why they love coming to school every day.

Early Learning Centre

Loving literacy in the ELC

Incidental and intentional teaching of Literacy happens each and every day in the ELC. During group time activities, children in Reception have been introduced to letter sounds through the teaching of synthetic phonics. As a foundation for reading, letter sounds have been explored through songs, actions, stories and puppets.

Our Creative Arts program has combined the children’s love of transport with their letter recognition skills, and we have created name trains. Children have carefully identified each letter in their name to form the carriages of their train.

Meanwhile, Pre-Prep children are beginning to explore literacy in the world around them. Milo the monkey encourages children to identify initial sounds and then create word lists of objects and of known words that begin with the same sound.

There are many ways in which families can support their child’s literacy development at home. By talking with and reading to your child you expose them to opportunities to develop their vocabulary and build on their comprehension skills and understanding of the world around them.

On the way home from school, a simple game of ‘I Spy’ can help children hear and develop initial sounds in a fun way that embeds the love of learning nurtured in ELC.

Junior School

Meet our Year 4 Leaders

We’re so proud to have formally inducted the Year 4 Junior School Leaders for Semester 1. This marks the beginning of their term as student leaders and role models within the School community.

Congratulations to the following students and we look forward to seeing the Semester 2 leaders supporting them:

  • Flag Bearer: Lucy Prowse
  • Newton House Captain: Hillary Nguyen
  • Main House Captain: Sonny Lim
  • Na House Captain: Ethan Chung
  • Elliot House Captain: Priscilla Hii
  • Arts Captain: Yuxi Li
  • Sports Captain: Tommy Bissland
  • Environment Captain: Claudia Forge
  • Library Captain: Eva Bramley and Spencer Goodson
  • Social Justice Captain: Alessandra Paul

Well done to all our Semester 1 Leaders!

Safety reminders

As all Junior School students settle into a new routine, we kindly remind parents of the drop-off and pick-up procedures in the basement carpark and on King Street. If your Junior School child will be escorted home by their Middle School sibling on an ongoing basis, formal written consent is required. Please review the recent myHaileybury app communication.

Building relationships

Developing positive relationships is crucial to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. When students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their teachers and classmates, they are more likely to be motivated to learn and to participate.

City’s Parent-Teacher Interviews scheduled for Week 6 are the perfect opportunity for parents to connect with their child’s teacher, discuss their child’s progress, and work collaboratively to support their learning journey.

Our Year 4 students have modelled positive relationship building by engaging in meaningful and inclusive interactions with their Prep Buddies and demonstrating the importance of empathy, kindness and respect in building strong and supportive connections.

Middle School

Camping in the capital

Our Boys and Girls Year 6 students completed a week-long educational tour of Canberra. Throughout their time in the nation’s capital, they took part in programs focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. A wonderful time was had by all with Questacon being a standout for our students.

Our Year 6 students will now implement what they have learnt about Australian Government and civics and citizenship in their humanities classroom.

Year 8 coastal fieldwork excursion

On Wednesday, 22 February our Year 8 students undertook a field work trip as part of their Landscapes and Landforms Unit. Students visited Cape Schanck National Park and Rosebud Beach to collect and analyse data about coastal processes, management strategies and hazards. This valuable experience has helped shape our students’ understanding of the significance of effective coastal management measures.

Year 8 Leadership Induction

We welcomed families and friends to our Year 8 Leadership Induction on Thursday, 23 February. Our 2023 student leaders were presented with their badges, and they heard from senior leaders within our School about the importance of being authentic, visible and approachable.

Our Boys and Girls Middle School Captains also highlighted what taking on this privilege means to them.

“Throughout my time in the Middle School, I have always strived to be the best version of myself and encouraged others to do the same. When I became a Year 8 Leader, I hoped that the opportunity would allow me to lead my peers through the ups and downs of the year ahead. This year, I hope to show respect towards my peers and teachers and to maintain a positive mindset throughout all aspects of school and home life.”
GMS Captain 2023, Lilla Bramley
“My journey through leadership did not start just as I was elected for a leadership position, as I have been striving to lead throughout my whole schooling career. When I decided to put my hand up for BMS Captain, I hoped that this role would allow me to lead you all through the highs and lows of 2023.”
BMS Captain 2023, Charlie Murdoch

Caroline Merrick
Head of City

Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)

Thank you to all the Pre-Senior and new Senior parents who attended the Senior School Parent Information session on Wednesday, 22 February. It was lovely to connect with familiar faces and to welcome new families to Haileybury City. Meeting the staff who will be guiding our children through the final years of schooling was very rewarding and we came away feeling our children’s education is in great hands.

Don’t forget to book the babysitter!

The HPF City Committee is putting together the final touches for the Rooftop Party on Friday, 17 March. Don’t forget to book the babysitter so you can come along for a fabulous night under the stars. The TryBooking link to purchase tickets can be found in the myHaileybury app.

Luna Park for all

A very special event has been planned that gives exclusive access to Luna Park to Haileybury students, families and friends from all Haileybury campuses. The park is open to families from 5.00 pm – 8.00 pm on Wednesday, 29 March.

Please use the TryBooking link to purchase tickets.

Unlimited ride tickets ($55) and non-ride (free) tickets need to be purchased prior to the event. Please note that each child must have an adult who is responsible for them. Food and beverages can be purchased on the night.

As someone who has never made it to Luna Park, I am quite excited. Provided Melbourne’s weather is compliant, it will be a great night.

HPF City second-hand uniform shop

The second-hand uniform shop will be open on Friday, 31 March from 8.00 am – 9.00 am. Before this date, uniform collection bins will be placed at the King Street and basement entrances. Please go to the myHaileybury app for details about how to complete the form if you are providing items to be sold and for information about when collections will begin.

Would you like to get involved?

There are still some social rep vacancies to be filled. It would be great to get representation in Years 5, 6, 7 and 9, and these roles can be shared. If you are interested or have any questions about what is involved, please email me at:

If you are going away for the long weekend, please travel safely. Have a great time and recharge.

Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City