Learners for life
We love coming together to share our knowledge and the MS Trivia Night saw lots of learning and sharing by all. What fierce competition the Chocolate Coin Toss was.
It has been a joy to see our students launch straight back into learning at Haileybury City. After a wonderful break, excited students greeted their friends in our new library and tuckshop space. Every year level has been fascinated by the way the new spaces appeared so much bigger and brighter. They have been curious about all the nooks for reading, the booths for socialising, the independent study seats at the window, and the library classroom. It is hard to remember what it was like before; such is the power of innovative design to delight the senses. The City reception area, meeting rooms and assembly spaces are also being admired by all.
Support from families who read every night with your child, as well as the valuable time your child reads independently, pays dividends by providing a literature rich experience. I am delighted that this love of reading has a new home that is still in the heart of our School. You can’t enter or leave our campus without passing the library! Book Week is fast approaching, and we look forward to sharing more updates in the coming weeks.
Our students are focused on their Semester 2 goals and finishing the year well. From our youngest three year olds who are learning their letters and sounds to our tall Year 8s heading to exams and Pre-senior School, everyone is focused on the learning.
NAPLAN update
We were delighted to receive our student reports and send these out to families. The results are outstanding across all the cohorts at Haileybury in all areas of reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. We are so proud of the high expectations we have that enable our students to work beyond the Victorian average by 18 months and more. The results have showcased the depth and breadth of our students’ skills in literacy and numeracy, which underpin their engagement and success in all aspects of their academic, social, emotional and physical development. Success breeds success, and we love seeing our students happy and engaged in all the opportunities on offer at Haileybury.
Early Learning Centre
Putting literacy in action
Reception children have started the Jolly Phonics program that explores letter-sound relationships. The children have been introduced to the initial sounds of s, a, t, p, i and n and have had experiences to consolidate their knowledge of these letters and their sounds.
Our literacy program involves songs, actions and games to foster children’s love of literacy. By making learning fun and interactive, the children stay engaged and motivated, and this naturally develops their literacy skills. Over the term, children will continue to be introduced to various letters and their sounds.

Projects in Pre-prep
Pre-prep children have shown an interest in understanding the roles of community workers which has led to our recent art project, ‘Can you imagine?’ This project has inspired the children to create their own artwork to visually represent who they imagine they might be when they grow up.
The project focuses on extending and providing the Pre-prep children with the opportunity to develop their emergent writing and strengthen their finger dexterity to manipulate different tools with control and precision.
The children have certainly enjoyed sharing their projects and their writing skills with their peers and educators.

Junior School
Semester 2 leaders inducted
As we embark on a new semester, we are pleased to announce the formal induction of our Year 4 Junior School Leaders for Semester 2, 2024. These students, supported by their peers who held leadership positions in Semester 1, are thrilled to be commencing their new roles.
Leadership is fundamentally about influence. It involves guiding others, inspiring them, and setting an example through one’s actions. Additionally, true character is revealed in what one does when no one is watching. We are confident that these new leaders will not only lead by example but will also uphold our School values superbly.
Flag Bearer
Newton House Captain
Main House Captain
Na House Captain
Elliot House Captain
Arts Captain
Sports Captain
Environment Captain
Henry & Vianshi
Library Captains
Social Justice Captain
100 Days of School – Congratulations Prep!
City’s Prep students celebrated a significant milestone on 29 July, marking 100 days of school. Under the exceptional guidance of Ms Tracey Cronin, the Preps prepared sentences to read aloud at the festive event held in our newly renovated Level 9 space. The celebration featured parent guests, music, chocolate lollipops, and fairy bread sprinkled with hundreds and thousands!

Middle School
Olympic inspiration visits our assembly
Our Week 2 assembly featured, Olympic table tennis player and City Maths teacher, Mr David Powell. Mr Powell, who has represented Australia in both the Tokyo and Rio Olympics, shared his remarkable experiences with our students.
Students were particularly fascinated by Mr Powell’s stories about the Olympic village, the rigorous training sessions and the camaraderie among athletes from around the world. His insights provided a unique perspective on the dedication and hard work required to compete at the highest level.
Dressed in his 2020 Tokyo Olympics blazer, Mr Powell emphasised the importance of always trying your best and finding joy in your chosen sport. His message resonated deeply with the students, inspiring them to pursue their passions with enthusiasm and commitment.

Year 5 MiniBoss incursion – The Brief
Our Year 5 students recently participated in an exciting MiniBoss incursion, designed to introduce them to the world of entrepreneurship and leadership. The program aimed to equip our young learners with essential skills that will serve them well in their future endeavours.
During the incursion, students engaged in a variety of interactive activities and challenges that focused on critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and creativity. They learned how to develop business ideas, create marketing strategies and manage resources effectively.
Year 7 History excursion
Our Year 7 students recently had the opportunity to attend the Ancient Cultures workshop at the Hellenic Museum, located within the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). This enriching experience allowed them to delve into the fascinating world of ancient civilizations and explore their lasting impact on modern society.
The workshop provided an in-depth look at various ancient cultures, including the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Students were captivated by the museum’s impressive collection of artifacts, which included ancient pottery, sculptures and everyday objects used by these historic civilizations. Through these artifacts, students gained a deeper understanding of the daily lives, beliefs and innovations of ancient peoples.
Caroline Merrick
Head of City
Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)
Well, we are totally back in the swing of Term 3. The students’ happy smiling faces, catching up with friends and enjoying being back into the routine of school life is so lovely to see. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful mid semester break and enjoyed the lovely crisp sunny winter days.
What a lovely surprise it has been to see finalisation of the ground floor redevelopment at Haileybury City. It is a lovely learning space that is inviting, warm and welcoming. How lucky we are to have such a wonderful area for our students to enjoy.
HPF City Family Trivia Night
Over the break, we had time to receive the photos of the Trivia Night. Thank you to Jade Wisely for taking them for us. I hope the photos demonstrate how much fun we all had.
It certainly was a great night, with everyone leaving with a smile on their face. Thank you to everyone who helped make the night such a wonderful success.
HPF City Cocktail Party
Following the success of Trivia Night, the HPF City team is now focusing on the final event of the HPF City year. The HPF City Cocktail Party, themed ‘Springtime Fun,’ will take place on Friday, 18 October. This major friendraising event contributes to the purchase of new equipment for all year levels at Haileybury City. The cocktail party promises to be a fantastic evening with excellent food, entertainment and company. Ticket details will soon be available on the myHaileybury app. Be sure to book quickly, as we have had two sold out events this year — you won't want to miss out!
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
The popular Second-hand Uniform Pop-up Shop will held be once again on 12 and 13 September at Haileybury City. To ensure that any donations are received and tagged in time for the Term 3 dates, please feel free to bring in your contributions and place them in the blue bins in the basement or on King Street entrance. The form is available on the myHaileybury app.
As always, please feel free to email the committee at hpfcity@haileybury.com.au should you have any queries.
Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City