All abuzz!
Our Year 5 students were delighted to welcome Haileybury City students and Haileybury Pangea students to learn all about the Haileybury Hive program. Students spent time with the bees, studying their behaviour and harvesting honey; a fantastic, unique experience for all students involved.

Exceptional student achievements
Congratulations to Roy (Year 3) who has been awarded an International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) medal for his writing. The top 1% of ICAS participants receive a High Distinction, and a medal if they also receive the highest score in their region. This is an incredible achievement, and we are very proud of Roy.
We are excited to announce that Seyara (Year 8) will once again represent Haileybury as the winner of the Maths Talent Quest. Seyara is also a state representative in the national competition. This is a back-to-back nomination for Seyara, as she also represented Haileybury in 2023. Congratulations Seyara on this wonderful achievement.
Early Learning Centre
The Outdoor program is an essential part of children’s daily environment and life. Both indoor and outdoor environments offer significantly different — but complementary — experiences and ‘ways of being’ to the ELC children. We aim to have them available simultaneously and experienced jointly, with each having equal status and attention because both contribute to the children’s wellbeing, health, stimulation and overall learning and development. As the weather becomes warmer the children will be provided with more opportunity in their outdoor program. Children have begun to immerse themselves in experiences that strengthen their thinking, fine motor skills, social connections, spatial awareness, balance, coordination and connection with nature. Engaging with nature supports children to develop control, become environmentally responsible and to respect the environment. Educators aim to provide an outdoor environment that is respectful of children’s emerging skills and competencies, creating opportunities for them to make their own decisions and to act independently. A balance of experiences in the outdoor environment facilitates shared thinking, including exploration, experimentation and hypothesising, all of which support and challenge the children as they learn.
Junior School
Living and Growing program (SEA) – Years 3 and 4
Our Year 4 students will be involved in the SEA Living and Growing program this term to ensure that our students have access to accurate and age-appropriate information about body safety, anatomy, reproduction and puberty.
Students will be discussing:
Week 1: Our bodies – how to look after ourselves
Week 2: Where did I come from? My family and your family
Week 3: Growing and changing
Sports Dress Up Day
Our students loved the opportunity to put on their favourite sports team gear and wear it to school on the last day of Term 3. They were also treated to a sausage sizzle lunch, which was cooked by some lovely parent volunteers. This fundraiser raised $258.00 for the Monash Children’s Hospital. Thank you to all for your contribution.

Middle School
It is a pleasure to welcome back to Edrington all our fresh-faced Middle School students. We hope teachers, students and indeed the whole family is ready for a busy term, filled with many special assemblies and events.
NASA tour
We welcome back Year 8 students who joined Miss Nicole Turner on a School Science trip to NASA in the USA, where they had a memorable chance to explore rockets, immersive simulators and exhibits and learn all about pioneering astronauts.

Drama assembly
Year 8 Page to Stage and Collaboration to Creation Drama classes presented their public performances to all Middle School, for their performance exam. The opportunity to share in this experience has become part of our Middle School culture and we commend the students for their creative work.
‘Back to Berwick’ assembly
Last Friday, we welcome current Year 12 students to a special ‘Back to Berwick’ assembly before they head home to study for upcoming VCE exams. This is always a particularly memorable event for all involved as we reflect on the years past and future of graduates.
House Swimming
To follow, all Middle School boys and girls have House Swimming which will be a fantastic day of cheering and teamwork, in what is the last major trophy event for the House competition.
We are currently supporting Beyond Blue in the Boys Middle School and Backpacks for Kids in the Girls Middle School. We hope boys and girls are currently enjoying the spirit of giving, filling shoeboxes and backpacks respectively, with goodies for good causes.

Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Special ‘pop-up’ second-hand uniform shop openings – ELC Orientation session, Saturday 16 November and Up day, Tuesday, 19 November.
The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30 am to 11.00 am. Pop in to see the lovely ladies for your uniform requirements. If you have some spare time to help in the Second-hand Uniform Shop, contact Janelle via email.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents