Campus News
Thank you
Sincere thanks to our students, staff and families for the way we have all worked together to ensure our campus is a wonderful community. I am incredibly proud of our students for their hard work and dedication to their learning, as well as the way in which they treat each other kindly and with respect.
Thank you to the parents for their steadfast support and assistance in making Edrington a warm and welcoming place for all. I am also incredibly grateful to all staff for their tireless efforts in providing an outstanding education for the students, for their collegiality, and for their commitment to our School.
I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday season with family and friends and I look forward to seeing you in 2024.

Art Exhibition
This year’s Art Exhibition was an outstanding event and showcased the considerable artistic talents of students in ELC to Year 9.

A night of celebration
Speech Night was a wonderful celebration of the year, and it was filled with music, ceremony and an acknowledgement of our students’ achievements. Congratulations to all award recipients including the Dux of Haileybury College, Eshan, Dux of Haileybury Girls College, Diyenka, Dux Proximus of Haileybury College, Nilavan, and Dux Proximus of Haileybury Girls College, Caroline.
Early Learning Centre
Up Day
On Tuesday, 21 November both Reception and Pre-Prep children participated in Up Day. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to spend time in their 2024 classrooms with their new teachers and classmates.
A successful transition from the Early Learning Centre (ELC) to Junior School and between ELC year levels is important for all children and has long-lasting benefits. Children who experience a positive transition into their new environment are likely to be happy at school and to continue to improve their social and academic skills.
This time is also important for the children and families to begin building trusting and positive relationships with the educators. Families know their child’s strengths, personality, moods and behaviours very well. Educators will get to know a child well through their daily experiences and can share their understanding of how children develop. When families and staff work together, they can exchange information and focus on meeting each child’s needs while supporting their learning, development and wellbeing.
It was lovely to see the children enjoying different experiences during Up Day and hearing the stories they told on their return to their current educators. This highlights how each child’s identity, knowledge, understandings, dispositions, capabilities, skills and relationships are shaped by an important milestone like this.
Junior School
Last week of term
In the last week of term students have some wonderful activities to look forward to:
- Mad Hatter Magic Show: This theatrical show features hilarious magic, lots of comedy and heaps of high interactive audience participation. We are sure the children will love it!
- Dress Up Day: Junior School students are invited to dress up in Christmas outfits on Wednesday in the last week. This might include dressing as an elf, candy cane, Santa, or with a simple Christmas t-shirt.
- Christmas Picnic: Instead of individual year level Christmas Parties, this year we are going to run a whole Junior School Christmas Picnic and cook a BBQ for the Junior School children. If the weather is nice, we plan to take our food onto the oval and have a picnic together. Students are welcome to bring a blanket to sit on with their friends. Students will be offered a couple of sausages (or vegetarian/gluten free options) and Prima. If your child is a bigger eater, you can send something extra to eat at the picnic. Thank you to those who have indicated they can help us with the BBQ. We still need more help, so if you can spare some time between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm, we would love your help. Please email Michele here.
- Christmas Concert: We look forward to our concert every year and will have two shows at 2.00 pm and 6.30 pm. Students are asked to wear their sports uniform for the day and to bring a touch of Christmas to wear.
- Pop Up Honey Stall: Our bees have been madly working to produce honey and we are reaping the benefits. There will be a pop-up stall at 5.30 pm, before the Christmas Concert, selling our Haileybury Hive Honey. Please note it is cash sales only. Get in early as I am sure they will sell out.
Middle School
Congratulations to all Middle School students who were acknowledged at Speech Night for their diligence and effort during 2023. It was a wonderful occasion, celebrating the achievements of many students and celebrating a busy and successful year at Edrington.
Congratulations to the HPV team who had a fantastic week. Every student gave their all, resulting in an overall finishing position of 20th. We are extremely proud of the effort of the students and staff over the past six months. Thank you to all parents who travelled with the team and were such a valuable support to staff and students.
There was a buzz of excitement during our orientation day, Up Day. It was wonderful to have all new and existing Middle School students experience a taste of what will happen next year. It was great to see students having fun and getting to know their new classes.
The Year 8 students have participated in our annual Leadership Day. They were treated to guest speakers and activities throughout the day that focused on identifying and developing each students’ leadership attributes. Students then had to write an application and present it to their peers with staff and students then voting. What was most impressive was the number of applicants and the calibre of their applications and speeches.
Congratulations to all involved. The leadership positions will be announced this week.
Jeanette Rawlings
Head of Edrington (Berwick)
Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE)
Dearest Edrington! Tracy and I would love to thank you all for your support, kindness, time, and generosity this year. We could not do what we do for our community without you all, so from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
Your amazing food and gift donations will go a long way towards making Christmas a beautiful day for families in need. The support of our community blows us away! We now have over 400 followers on our Facebook and Insta pages and thank you to all our new followers for jumping onboard!
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We are looking forward to catching up with you in 2024.
Kerry Ilic & Tracy Day
HPFE Presidents