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Closing the technology gender divide

Since graduating from Haileybury in 2013, Millie Hogben has spent the past nine years building a successful career in HR and, more recently, technology transformation. She’s also championing the role of women in technology. Along the way, she also makes time to stay connected to the School as a member of the Old Haileyburians Association Council.

NEWS 21 Sept 2022

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Meet Old Haileyburian, Millie Hogben (OH2013), introduced by Russell Davidson, Director of Alumni Relations

“Once a Haileyburian, always a Haileyburian’. That phrase is often heard at this time of year as our Year 12 students prepare to commence a new chapter in their lives and depart Haileybury,” says Russell Davidson, Director of School Development & Alumni Relations.

“However, Haileybury students are never far from our thoughts and can stay connected through one of the largest school alumni networks in the country.”

The OHA has more than 18,000 members, like Millie, who graduate but want to stay connected to the Haileybury community. As they create careers, many Old Haileyburians are also keen to support the generations of students following in their footsteps by sharing their skills and insights about studying, university and career choices, and the world of work.

“Millie has been a member of the OHA Council for the past three years and has done an incredible amount of work to develop and design programs for our younger alumni and is passionate about providing worthwhile and meaningful opportunities for them,” says Russell.

Here, Millie shares her thoughts on her time at Haileybury, her career so far and her goals for the future.

What influence did your time at Haileybury have on you?

Haileybury instilled a lifelong curiosity for learning and a strong sense of giving back to community. The School equipped me with the self-belief to take my career journey into my own hands, too. Haileybury showcased the art of the possible, so I didn’t feel limited to a traditional, linear career path. These days, if the job you want doesn’t exist, you can create it yourself. I had the confidence to switch up my career pathway to pursue a career that I am passionate about.

Tell us about your working life right now.

I currently work on large scale technology transformation programmes for a Big 4 consulting company. It is a global firm and there is huge scope for opportunity and professional growth. One of my proudest career highlights to date is my involvement in my organisation’s Women in Technology community. We started the community two years ago to close the gender gap and to create an environment where girls and women are encouraged to enter, remain and thrive in the tech industry. As a founding member it’s been a joy to see the community grow to a team of 75-plus and reach more than 700 people across Asia-Pacific.

“Haileybury instilled a lifelong curiosity for learning and a strong sense of giving back to community.”
Millie Hogben (OH2013)

What have been the biggest challenges so far?

Prior to working in technology, I was an HR Business Partner for an IT consulting firm. I was inspired by the interesting work our technology teams did, so I decided to switch careers to tech consulting. Entering the tech world from a non-technical background was an adjustment but I definitely haven’t let that hold me back. Our ability to learn continues well beyond the classroom!

Can you share some of your goals with us?

I love working in the transformation space and my career goals would be to continue helping our clients achieve their business and technology goals and continuing to build my leadership skills. Personally, outside the hustle and bustle of working in the city, I enjoy a relaxed life in the countryside with my ducks and chickens! I’m also passionate about travelling and I’ll be going to India and Nepal at the end of this year for a friend’s wedding.

Do you have a message for the girls who are currently studying at Haileybury?

As you transition from your studies into the world, find yourself a mentor. I’ve had several mentors – personal and professional – who I often refer to as me ‘personal board of directors.’ Different mentors can bring a unique perspective and be a handy sounding board during times of change and uncertainty.