““Australian schools are learning communities that promotes student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that students can reach their full potential.””Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, Education Services Australia
In October 2018, the Federal Minister for Education launched the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. The framework provides schools across the country with a set of guiding principles designed to help students reach their learning goals and full potential.
Based on a strong body of evidence that shows the association between safety, wellbeing and learning, the Wellbeing Framework offers best-practice advice to schools on developing and implementing policies and support mechanisms for students throughout their school years.
The framework is built on five key elements that all align closely with Haileybury’s learning philosophy and its approach to building engaged, safe and respectful school communities.
“We provide every student with a strong foundation to help them reach their aspirations in learning and in life,” says Mrs Maria Bailey, Director of Counselling Services at Haileybury.
“Every student matters every day, every Haileybury team member matters every day and all families matter. We celebrate connection and embrace compassion, care, diversity and inclusiveness in our School and that aligns very well with the aims of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework.”
The five elements that underpin the framework are:
Leadership: Principals and school leaders play an active role in building a positive learning environment where the whole school community feels included, connected, safe and respected.
Inclusion: All members of the school community are active participants in building a welcoming school culture that values diversity and fosters positive, respectful relationships.
Student Voice: Students are active participants in their own learning and wellbeing, feel connected and use their social and emotional skills to be respectful, resilient and safe.
Partnerships: Families and communities collaborate as partners with the school to support student learning, safety and wellbeing.
Support: School staff, students and families share and cultivate an understanding of wellbeing and support for positive behaviour and how this supports effective teaching and learning.

“The Wellbeing Program at Haileybury embraces students from ELC to Year 12 and optimises opportunities for personal growth and social and emotional development towards maturity,” says Mrs Bailey.
“We also have a strong focus on healthy minds, with leadership playing a vital role in building a positive learning environment and we are committed to raising awareness among students of the importance of respectful relationships and consent.”
This year, Haileybury appointed Diane Furusho as Assistant Principal (Respectful Relationships and Consent) to ensure students are able to journey through school equipped with knowledge and skills to navigate life’s complexities. We also foster a sense of belonging and promote resilience, empathy and kindness.
Pastoral care is the responsibility of every teacher but Haileybury also has formal pastoral care structures in place, led by Ms Pamela Chamberlain, Senior Vice-Principal (Student Welfare). A team of nurses, psychologists and a student welfare officer work with Heads of School and Heads of Houses to monitor and support the wellbeing of each student. Partnerships with families are also integral to the fabric of the Haileybury community.
During the pandemic and extended periods of lockdown in Melbourne, the School’s Wellbeing Team increased the resources available for students who found online learning challenging. Counselling and support sessions were made available online, webinars for students, staff, parents and carers were developed in response to the pandemic and remote learning was available to support the School community.
Mrs Bailey says there are many more examples of how Haileybury supports student wellbeing, such as providing evidence-based information about relaxation, stress management, preparing for exams and who to contact for extra support.
“We promote positive mental health and wellbeing so students flourish at school and in life, engage in their learning, manage stress, build resilience against adversity, stay safe and make of the most of every opportunity.”