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Campus News

Back to School

Our City students have been delighted to see each other, to meet their teachers, and to get started on their learning. Our brilliant teachers have done so much work to prepare for the start of the year and to ensure it is highly engaging for students.

We have enjoyed welcoming students, staff and families and so much learning has already been enjoyed in the first week of 2023.

Our 2023 City goal

We continue to focus on growth and celebrate each important step on our learning journey as we work towards our 2023 Haileybury City goal — excellence in character and contribution.

It was lovely to see our parent community attend our recent Parent Information Night for our Junior and Middle Schools. We enjoyed sharing the learning we have planned for 2023 and our goals as a campus, School and Year group.

Your engagement in the learning program and in how we develop and nurture your child’s abilities and skills academically, socially, emotionally and physically is always appreciated.

Early Learning Centre

Numeracy comes alive in the ELC

With a wonderful sense of belonging established within the ELC, children have thrived with the start of our Term 1 program. Counting has been an interest of many children in Reception who have been busy building on these skills.

A clear love of counting and dinosaurs has been combined at group time and children have been presented with a numeral before carefully collecting and counting dinosaurs to represent this number.

Meanwhile, Pre-Prep have been busy focusing on their collaborative learning skills through numeracy experiences such as partnered bingo and demonstrating recognition of one- and two-digit numbers.

Outside the classroom, mathematical language continues to drive our play-based learning program. Children have been enjoying the warmer weather and engaging with water in the outdoor environment.

The use of buckets as we water and care for our terrace garden has introduced words such as heavier, full, half-full and lighter.

We look forward to many more numeracy opportunities throughout the year that help foster a love of learning in this important area for our ELC children.

Junior School

Ready, set, learn!

The Junior Staff at City have been eagerly preparing to welcome back their classes and to kickstart the 2023 academic year! Just like their teachers, please encourage your child to help prepare themselves for each day of school. There are so many ways to build positivity and readiness. They can label their belongings, pack their own lunchbox and set out their uniform for the day.

It’s important that they take ownership of this process to feel excited and at ease. Remember to also ensure your child has their sun hat at School as we enforce a ‘no hat, no outdoor play’ policy in the Junior School. We also encourage students to apply sunscreen in the morning and throughout the day to protect their skin.

Parent Information Evening

We enjoyed seeing many parents at our recent Junior School Parent Information Evening and Parent Meet and Greet. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and maintain the strong partnership between School and home.

We have some new families who joined our City Junior School community this year and we know they have already been warmly welcomed by our existing parent community.

Lastly, a gentle reminder to please complete the online form sent within earlier myHaileybury correspondence to designate the pick-up locations for your child/ren on each day of the week. Thank you to those who have already entered their preferences.

Year 4 Typing Club access

Haileybury offers a variety of programs and platforms that complement and support the delivery of our School curriculum. For Year 4 students, Typing Club supports the development of typing skills and regular use of the program at home is encouraged to hone this capability. Tailored instructions about how to access the Typing Club iPad application have been released to parents of Year 4 students via the myHaileybury app.

Middle School

Wonderful start

We would like to congratulate our Middle School students for a very successful start to the year. Our Induction Days on Monday, 30 January and Tuesday, 31 January upskilled our students and provided them with a solid grounding for the year ahead.

Students learnt important skills in organisation and device usage and began to lay the foundations for friendships to flourish among their Homeroom peers. The LEAP/STEM showcase held on these days allowed the students to hear about the amazing opportunities on offer through the Curious Minds program. If you want further information about the Curious Minds program, including a timetable of available activities, please visit the myHaileybury app.

Middle School vision 2023

Our Boys Middle School and Girls Middle School have introduced their 2023 visions and have begun unpacking how these important messages will shape the year ahead.

The Boys Middle School will focus on ‘being their best self’ and have already begun laying the necessary foundations and culture for each student to thrive.

The Girls Middle School focus will be ‘fearlessly be yourself,’ and this mantra has already provided much food for thought among our students and staff.

We look forward to working with our Middle School on these important messages for 2023.

Caroline Merrick
Head of City

Haileybury Parents & Friends City (HPF City)

Welcome to the 2023 school year from HPF City

It was such a lovely start to the year with the eager new faces and returning students entering Haileybury City. We hope you have a great start to the wonderful year of learning that lies ahead.

We also look forward to developing connections in person across our community in a safe and responsible manner. Please keep an eye out for events on the myHaileybury app or via your Social Representatives.

Opportunities to connect

Our first HPF City Social Representative and Community meeting will be held on Monday, 13 February at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion.

These meetings are held once a term and highlight upcoming events and updates from the Head of Campus and Head of Senior School. They are also an opportunity to make connections with other parents and carers and to discover how to get involved. We hope to see you there. For the Zoom details, please go to the myHaileybury app.

Second-hand uniform shop

The second-hand uniform shop will be held on Friday, 31 March from 8.00 am – 9.00 am. It is a great chance to top up the wardrobe with a few extra uniform pieces. Keep an eye on the myHaileybury app for details on how items will be collected if you wish to sell any items that your child has outgrown.

HPF City Rooftop Party — save the date

It is time to get out, meet new people, catch up with old friends and party! The very popular HPF City Rooftop Party will be held on Friday, 17 March. The fun begins at 6.30 pm. Enjoy the fantastic views across Flagstaff Gardens to the city and Docklands and watch the sun set while enjoying delicious food. The event will finish at 9.00 pm.

If you would like to contact HPF City, please email:

I hope that everyone has a successful and smooth start to the 2023 school year.

Melissa Fisher
President, Haileybury Parents & Friends City